Margaret River Wine and More
Wine making regions in Australia are basically situated in the cooler climate of south western area. It produces less than 5% of the country’s wine output but its quality is above all. These wines regions consist of Blackwood Valley, Geographe, and Pemberton, regions of Peel, Great Southern and Margaret River. Margaret River’s cool climate has made an incredible increase in the production and quality of wine. The wineries at Mt Barker region of Margaret River are situated far away from the actual Australian viticulture fields. Nowadays there are 5000 hectares of wine and 215 grape growers in this region.
Margaret river wines are known for its refined ‘European’ style wine which is favored by the contribution of Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Cabernet Sauvignon, Semillon and Chardonnay give their main contribution to the country for perfect tastes. The wines have earned goodwill for elegance rather than the power. The region is known for its fresh and outstanding wines which are Sauvignon Blancs, Cabemet Sauvignons and sturdy Zinfandel. This wine producing region contributes 3% of the Western Australia’s Grape wine.
Australia is best known for “Shiraz” there are various type of Australian Shiraz. In various regions of Australia, Shiraz is produced with different tastes. In the Hunter Valley of Sydney in the South Wales, Shiraz here is ripped and sometimes it’s prune like. In southern Victoria, the areas of the south Melbourne make cool- climate conditions for Shiraz. If we travel towards southwest to Victoria, we will often find Shiraz in the Pyreness in the north rather than fruit- forward, but it has the cool-climate Shiraz out there with herbal overtones. The Margaret River Shiraz is considered a premium wine.
In South Australia, the wines are very fruity, but there are certain differences you could see on these out there. Shiraz is known for its firmer tannins in the south Coonawarra but they are not fleshy. Farther in the north like Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale, we will find the sweet big fruit bombs. It is not necessary that all the wines fit in this box. The wines from the Eden and Clare Valleys on the other side also make Shiraz fruity and tasty; they are more peppery and leaner.
Shiraz contains the strong fruit cores with solid tannins and rarely, acidity. Some outstanding Shiraz wines are- Plantagenet Hazard Hill Shiraz,2009, D’Arenberg The Stump Jump Shiraz,2010, Innocent Bystander Shiraz, 2010 which is made in Victoria, Tvrrell’s Brokeback Shiraz, 2010 (Hunter Valley near the New South Wales.